We are extremely proud and humbled to support the Tiwanaku Project with a financial donation.
It is especially rewarding to know that that this donation will support a nurse’ salary for 3
months and some needed equipment.
Our client, Dr. Raul Caceres started the Tiwanaku Project in Oruro Bolivia and serves as the
director. This small non-profit is a 24/7, 365 days a year hospital that treats families with severe burns.
Raul describes the living conditions in Oruro here: “This town is located 12,000 feet high. There is a great incidence of burn injuries in children and adults because of the precarious living conditions. They sleep, eat, and cook often in one room. The bathroom is outside in the open. Most of them have candles, they use kerosene to cook or natural gas that at times explodes. Most children have burn injuries with hot water or oil while the mother is cooking.”
The hospital provides 2 surgeons and a few nurses. The Project pays for a secretary and a few nurses because the hospital has a limited budget. During the pandemic, the surgeons and 3 nurses were COVID-19 positive, and I had to hire an extra doctor and a couple of nurses to help.
The donations that are received gives the Tiwanaku Project the ability to purchase needed
equipment/surgical supplies, funds for conferences or symposiums and to hire additional nurses.
A nurse makes $300 a month, so with $600 a nurse is hired for 2 months which is necessary
especially now because of the pandemic.